Achieve 740+ on the GMAT

Ace your GMAT preparation with 10+ hours of online video lessons, 400+ GMAT like questions, and AI Driven tools.

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Why Prepare with e-GMAT?

Effective Learning

e-GMAT’s online learning architecture improves engagement and retention, delivering learning in 40% less time.

5x Faster Prep

e-GMAT’s data driven platform delivers 5x greater feedback points than an expensive private tutor.

Test Readiness

AI based tools help precisely diagnose weaknesses, formulate an action plan and elevate a good GMAT score to a great GMAT score.

Begin GMAT Preparation

Kickstart your online GMAT prep with the

Most Comprehensive Free Trial

Master Verbal and Quant

Ace key concepts in GMAT Verbal and Quant through 25 Interactive Video lessons.

400+ Practice Questions

Identify and isolate your weakness using 400 free practice questions with detailed solution.

Free Weekly Webinars

Learn important core-skills in GMAT SC, CR, RC, Arithmetic, and Algebra through 7 live webinars conducted by top 4 instructors on GMAT Club.

Free SIGma-X Mock

Gauge your ability on the GMAT with SIGma-X mock, the best computer adaptive mock out there.

Start Your Free Trial Now

What students say about e-GMAT

Video lessons before the post-assessment quiz helped me link concepts to their application

“I watched the Free Trial video lessons recommended by e-GMAT before attending the free Critical Thinking webinar. At that point, I knew this is what I needed to improve my GMAT preparation. The structure of pre-assessment quiz, followed by the video lessons, followed by the post-assessment quiz helped me link the concepts with their application.”


Sigma-X mock showed me Where and Why I faltered. Using the information, I figured out How I can improve

By analysing WHERE and WHY I faltered on my first SIGma-X mock, I could arrive at the HOW I can improve in those areas. And, by focused practice using the e-GMAT course and Scholaranium, I improved considerably not only in the subsequent SIGma-X mock but also reached my target quant score in the official GMAT exam a few days later.


Scholaranium had ample questions of good quality to help me practice

“Another plus point e-GMAT has is the question bank they have in the form of Scholaranium. It has ample number of questions to practice, and the quality of questions is extremely good.
After seeing the solutions to some of the most difficult questions, I realized every question can be solved in less than 2 minutes, you just need to get the approach in place.”


Insightful free Live Sessions helped devise a study plan to ace the GMAT

“The webinar provided amazing insights on how the GMAT worked and how to create a personalized study plan. Also, the insights on the importance of core skills and how to master them were invaluable!!”


Things you can do with your Free Trial

Quant and Verbal

Engaging online video lessons from award-winning experts promote Active Learning, increasing concept retention by 300%.

Start Learning

Practice with
GMAT-like Questions

Simulate a GMAT-like atmosphere using Scholaranium to refine test-taking skills and avoid surprises on test day.

Practice Now

Create a
Personalized Study Plan

Supercharge your prep with AI driven study plan tailored to help you reach the 99th percentile.

Create Your Plan

Your Improvement

Advanced analytics help you track improvements, pinpoint weaknesses, and reduce study time by 40%.

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